If you have an emergency, our ambulance drivers MUST BE ABLE TO FIND YOUR HOME!
We are pleased to announce that MRVAS will be creating and selling reflective address number signs to the residents of Moretown, Fayston, Warren and Waitsfield. Our goal is to have these super reflective green number signs marking every address in our service area so your care is not delayed.
Order forms will be available at the Moretown, Fayston, Warren and Waitsfield Town Offices. You can also download a form here:
Just fill out the form and send it to:
Mad River Valley Ambulance Service
P.O. Box 305
Waitsfield, VT 05673
Mail form with CC # or check payable to: MRVAS
Signs are $20 each.
Completed signs will be available for pickup in just a day or two at MRVAS.
You can call to confirm your sign is ready - 802-496-8888.
Signs are 6"x18" and double sided. Both horizontal & vertical layouts are available.