We would like to thank you, the residents of this Mad River Valley as well as second homeowners and visitors, for supporting our dedicated staff of volunteers. We could not do this without you.
MRVAS is non-profit and operates solely on self-generated revenue and donations from our many supporters. The generosity of MRVAS donors, large & small, has funded much of the equipment we have needed to replace or upgrade over the years.
Please consider including MRVAS as a part of your estate plan or charitable giving. Your kindness & generosity is truly appreciated.
Donating is easy. You can simply donate through Paypal below.
Please note that this is for donations only. If you would like to purchase/renew your subscription, please go to our Subscribe page.
If you prefer to donate by check, please mail to: MRVAS, P.O. Box 305, Waitsfield, VT 05673